DevOps: benefits and tools for business

What is DevOps: benefits and tools for business

DevOps is a methodology that combines the practices of software development and IT operations to increase efficiency and speed of delivery. The goal of DevOps is to improve the speed and quality of software delivery while reducing costs and increasing the reliability of the software. 

By implementing DevOps, companies can stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of DevOps for businesses and some of the key tools that are commonly used to implement it.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development methodology that combines the practices of software development and IT operations to increase efficiency and speed of delivery. It is an approach that promotes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams, with the goal of improving the speed and quality of software delivery, while reducing costs and increasing the reliability of the software.

The origins of DevOps can be traced back to 2008 when a group of experts at an agile conference discussed the need for greater integration between IT infrastructure and operations departments and software development. 

They recognized that in order for companies to remain competitive, they needed to be able to quickly and efficiently deliver software. Thus, the concept of DevOps was born.

Additionally, DevOps practices also promote monitoring and measurement, which allows for the constant improvement of the software development process.

Advantages of the DevOps methodology

The great adoption that companies are doing today of DevOps is motivated by the great number of advantages that its adoption brings. Among all these advantages, we list the main ones below:

  1. DevOps increases cooperation and understanding between the departments of an organization, especially between the operations and development departments.
  2. Increases the production and deployment of software developments through production systems called continuous deployment or delivery, which translates into greater development agility.
  3. The increase in agility translates into an improvement in quality thanks to the almost continuous verification of products from the earliest stages of development and reducing possible errors.
  4. The automation of control procedures against threats and vulnerabilities under DevOps methodologies offers greater security for the developed applications.
  5. Continuous delivery allows greater flexibility and adaptation to the environment than traditional development systems in which deployment time is longer.

Benefits of the DevOps culture for business

DevOps is not a proper organizational culture, as we said before, it is an agile methodology for software development. However, we cannot deny that DevOps requires a strong culture based on collaboration and communication to integrate different areas of the organization.

In this way, companies that implement DevOps necessarily work in the culture of their organization to eliminate adoption barriers and thus achieve the objectives set.

Working on a strong culture of collaboration and communication is not an easy task, but some actions can be identified that help to achieve it, such as the following:

  • Develop a more horizontal business organization chart that favors natural communication among its members.
  • Carry out Team Building actions that promote collaboration between team members in contexts outside of day-to-day life.
  • Incorporation of communication and collaborative work tools.

Once a culture of high levels of collaboration and communication is built and cemented.

DevOps helps improve collaboration and communication between teams, which leads to numerous benefits, such as:

  • By improving communication, barriers to the integration of departments are reduced and allow continuous improvement of processes towards greater performance.
  • Communication not only occurs internally, but communication channels with the customer are improved, allowing greater interaction and, therefore, greater overall satisfaction with the product received.
  • Higher levels of collaboration increase the productivity of the company, and as a consequence, it allows an increase in sales and profits.

What is DevOps development process for companies?

DevOps is a software development approach that combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.

The DevOps development process for companies typically includes the following steps:

  1. Continuous integration: Developers integrate their code changes into a shared repository multiple times a day. Automated testing is also performed at this stage to catch any issues early on.
  2. Continuous delivery: Code changes that pass testing is automatically built, packaged, and deployed to test environments.
  3. Deployment: Code changes that pass testing in the test environment are automatically deployed to production.
  4. Monitoring: The performance and functionality of the application are continuously monitored in production to identify and fix any issues quickly.
  5. Feedback: Feedback from stakeholders is continuously gathered, analyzed, and incorporated into the development process to improve the overall quality of the software.

These steps are typically automated and integrated into a single pipeline, allowing for rapid and reliable software delivery. The goal of DevOps is to increase collaboration and communication between development and operations teams to promote a culture of improvement and innovation.

DevOps Tools

Effective software implementations under the DevOps methodology are typically based on an integrated set of solutions, or a list of independent tools that aim to automate, reduce the number of errors, and increase team agility and their scale however small it may be.

Among the great multitude of existing tools on the market to implement agile software DevOps methodology, we highlight the following:


Leader of the segment of container tools that allows automating the administration of parts of the software as independent containers that can be executed in any environment.


Orchestrator enables the administration of complex distributed systems for developers working with Linux containers.


Development version control platform that allows aligning the operational and development teams in the same administration and control tool of the same source code.


Continuous Integration and distribution tool written in Java with a strong graphical user interface, used for reporting changes, live testing, and distributing code across multiple machines.


Open-source monitoring tool that allows you to connect with a multitude of data sources for data analysis.


Monitoring and alerting toolset for containers and microservices thanks to a highly customizable system.

Accelerating Your Software Development with Talentelgia’s DevOps Expertise

As a company, Talentelgia understands the need for efficient and effective software development. That’s why we have a team of experienced DevOps developers who can help you streamline your software development process and accelerate your time-to-market.

Our DevOps services include:

  • Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the software development process and improve collaboration between development and operations teams.
  • Providing expert guidance on containerization and orchestration technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes to improve application scalability and flexibility.
  • Offering comprehensive monitoring and logging solutions to ensure the performance and availability of your applications in production.
  • Helping you to implement security best practices throughout the entire software development life cycle to ensure the security of your applications and data.

With Talentelgia’s DevOps expertise, you can rest assured that your software development is in safe hands. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your business needs and tailor our services to meet your specific requirements. Contact us today to learn how we can help you take your software development to the next level.


As we have already seen, implementing the DevOps culture implies a large number of advantages. The main idea is that software can be developed more economically and at a higher speed, happening because the departments begin to work together. Has your company already implemented this methodology?

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