Future of mobile app development

Future of mobile app development

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According to Forbes, users spend 87% more time using mobile apps than directly on the web.

This points to the bright future of mobile app development.

Moreover, their usage is likely to continue the upward trend, leading to the increased demand for mobile app development. If you are keen on the future of mobile app development, here are six trends that are likely to be crowd pullers.

6 Trends in Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is one of the fastest-growing fields with the potential to change our lives in ways like never before. While its growth capacity is infinite, here are some of the upcoming trends that can reform the future:


5G or the fifth-generation wireless technology that is changing the way the internet works for the better in terms of bandwidth, lower latency, and more efficiency. As a result, the users will get more power to work as it will make remote execution from home easy and benefit the corporate world.

5G, one of the fastest-growing trends in mobile app development as it is already a success in some countries.

So, when working on an app, be mindful that it is compatible with 5g bandwidth and devices or can lead to significant losses.

Moreover, since some countries like China, the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and Saudi Arabia already have 5G in their market, it is a certainty in the future of mobile app development of your country as well.

Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce is the most successful enterprise right now as everyone around is hooked to mobile phones. From making online transactions to online shopping and e-learning, no industry can succeed without mobile devices.

The response has been overwhelming that even google has resorted to the mobile-first approach. This has directly led to an increase in the demand for verticals like Mobile app development, Custom app software development, Android app development, and IOS development. These are likely to continue flourishing in the future, especially in industries like:

  • Ecommerce/online shopping
  • Gaming applications
  • eLearning
  • Healthcare


Unlike what it may look like to a layman, Blockchain has much more to do than just cryptocurrency transactions.

Blockchain is a technology wherein any event like a transaction or data exchange is shared with all the members, resulting in more security and transparency. Moreover, these apps do not have any servers as all the users act as mini servers.

All thanks to its long list of benefits, now more and more industries are welcoming blockchain apps. Some of these include:

  • Games
  • Gambling
  • Exchanges
  • Wallets
  • Finance
  • Real estate
  • Healthcare
  • Music industry
  • E-mobility
  • IoT start-ups

Since blockchain apps have already found their way to most industries, this will directly impact the future of mobile apps as they may become one of the most in-demand skills.


Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two leading market trends that are still in their growth phase. So, if you haven’t heard about them yet, don’t let them underestimate their potential.

Experts predict that these are set to evolve into their more refined form and take over the market. The world got a glimpse of the potential of augmented reality when Pokémon go was launched and was an instant hit.

On the other hand, Virtual Reality has its perks as even one of the largest video platforms – YouTube recognizes its potential and supports VR for all the videos.

Moreover, YouTube also has a VR app supported by VR headsets, which shouldn’t leave any space for doubts about its potential.

  1. Augmented and virtual reality
  2. Pokémon go and same
  3. Your tube supporting VR


IOT or Internet of Things refers to interrelated and interconnected objects that do not need human intervention to collect and interpret data. It is one of the largest expanding sectors as it lets the users engage with appliances and gadgets in real-time.

Even though it is still a new concept to many, IoT has already found its way to our daily lives through the objects we use like smart refrigerators, smart appliances, thermostats, weather prediction apps, and wearables in the digital space.

These have found excellent applications for themselves like echo, Alexa, and in the form of devices like smartwatches and Fitbit.

These are bound to change the future of mobile apps as mobile-specific web applications control these.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has become the core of businesses focusing on customer experience. The rise in competition in the mobile app development sector has paved the path to a personalized user experience. This would be impossible to achieve without artificial intelligence.

Applications like machine learning allow the web application to customize the outputs depending on the user behavior, even when they are not coded.

This customized user experience is a win-win for everyone as it makes using the applications easier for the users and leads to better conversions for the investors.

But implementing them is not as easy as it looks on the surface as it includes a lot of complex tasks like data encryption, behavior analysis, and multi-factor authentication. So, if you are thinking about investing in a custom app software development company, this might be the right time.

Do You Know?

77 percent of the smart devices we use feature one form of artificial intelligence or another. (Source: Accenture)

What Can We Expect in Mobile App development?

Technology is evolving at a rate that it doesn’t only live up to our expectations but also surpasses them. So, we can expect to be surprised by the wonders that online mobile app development companies can do. From getting a better online experience with 5g to a better user experience with AI and MI, a lot is waiting for us in the future.

But that’s not all; AR and VR are likely to evolve at a rate that will leave each of us spellbound. This may lead to an increased demand for custom app software development.

At the same time, mobile commerce and the integration of Blockchain are likely to change the face of mobile app development forever, both for android and IOS.


So, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that mobile app development is likely to metamorphose into a better form, and the future of mobile apps is bright.

While these will enhance the experience for users, they will also help resort to a cross-functional approach, a necessity for entrepreneurs.

This means we can expect better technology, which is likely to make things easier for us. The good news is, these changes are already evident as many countries have switched to 5g, Blockchain is gaining popularity, and mobile commerce is on an all-time high.

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